Advanced Options

This is a way to manipulate certain of the digital recording settings in order to maximize the program configuration for your system.

Track offset: This advances the record start time slightly, although there will be no difference in length of song or quality of recording.

This option is for those drives who cannot record either Track 1 and/or Track 2. By making the offset value equal to between 10 - 50, this problem will be eliminated. A higher number is not recommended, since you might cut out some of your song data.

Recording Speed: If your song files sound as though they're played in a faster speed, it's usually because your drive is unable to keep up with the recording process. This usually occurs in less powerful processors. Changing the speed setting to 4 (4x recording speed) usually fixes the problem. If not, then try 2 and then 1 (1 being the slowest setting, or 1x recording speed).

Multipass: If you are experiencing considerable jitter even with error correction on, try changing this setting =yes.

Block: This value can be increased up to 100 to improve jitter and speed problems in digital recording.

Overlap: This value can be increased to 10 to improve the effects of jitter in digital recording.

Max_Mismatch: This value can be increased to 255 when a user is experiencing poor digital recording quality due to jitter and/or speed.

Start Time: This will enable you to start recording from somewhere other than the beginning of the track. Values are in seconds. This can be used in conjunction with Record Length to create song clips.

Record Length: This is used to record a partial song. Values are in seconds.

Auto Configure: Clicking on this button will have your program reconfigure itself the next time you start the program. This should be done with any change of hardware.